Tuesday, January 12, 2010


In the past I have set down and come up with some very complicated eating formulas that will help kids get stronger and gain mass. The older I get the more I realize we have to keep things simple. If we overload you with data and information it is just as bad as not giving you anything. So here is my attempt to make this simple—you just have to help your son be diligent.


1.) Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and rest on the weekends.
2.) They must workout hard when it is time to workout. Attitude and Intensity are everything!
3.) They must eat right.

Very simple plan! When kids are in season we make them lift 40 minutes 3 times a week and this will work. When kids are not in season we go 5 times a week for 40 minutes. Really, I cannot imagine why this is not possible.

Kids need to be eating all day long. It’s simple. The most important meal of the day is breakfast. They need eggs, milk, toast, cereal, bacon, ham/sausage/chicken biscuits, juice (any combination). They need a big peanut butter sandwich or 2 about 10AM. They need to eat a big lunch. They need to have milk in the refrigerator here so they can drink 16 oz of milk after they workout. They need a big dinner. Give them a big bowl of ice cream right before bed. If they want to put on weight…double everything I said.

There it is guys…getting stronger and bigger made simple. Now, as in all things…they just have to do it.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Time is flying! Our first 6 week lifting cycle since the end of football season is over and we have the grades above if you click on the charts. You can click on it and see where your son is and what he is doing. The grading is real simple. You get one point for coming to lift. You got .5 a point for being on vacation and communicating that to me. If they didn't show up and lift than they didn't get a point. There were 30 opportunities to lift. So it was minus 3 points out of 100 for each lift missed. If somone was on vacation, they actually received half credit for a lift. The grade of 90 is an A. Obviously getting an A for the entire year will mean something. However, I will not reveal what that is until August.
It was difficult for people to earn an A with the two week christmas break in between. However 24 athletes managed to do it. We had 11 8th and 9th graders make it which means parents have sacrificed in getting their kids up here. We have started the new 6 week cycle and I will take those grades and average them with the grades for the next 6 week cycle. Anyone scoring 100 this second week cycle will automatically get their final score bumped up 2 points. So if you made a 75 last 6 weeks and score 100 this 6 weeks you will have a 90 year average.
We will continue to push and demand excellence. I hope that you do the same at home. Our lift times are 6AM, 6:45 AM (for in season athletes), 1st period, 4th period, 7th period, and 3:20 after school. In season athletes must lift 3 times. Out of season must lift 5. All require is 45 minutes a sesson. We will provide your child with the opportunity to get better and become a better athlete. It is up to them to seize the opportunities.

THIS IS ELCA CHARGER FOOTBALL--we will be the hardest working and most diligent team in the country!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I am very proud of the fact we have through 5 weeks of training, 22 kids that have had perfect attendance without an L. That means, all through break they did not miss one single day. Remember the requirements were at least three days per week during christmas break. If kids communicated with me and I knew they were out of town I gave them a V instead of an L. Your son might have worked out at home or somewhere else but they must communicate with me and let me know. For 22 kids to not miss and get an L during weeks of exams and christmas break shows tremendous determination. Sometimes I wonder if we ask too much and then 22 kids make sacrifices. I also want to thank some of the parents who require their kids be up here. Alot of times they aren't going to want to come up here and work. Nobody likes to wake up in the mornings. Thank goodness for you guys who know it is important to teach discipline and doing those things which we do not like to do! Let's continue to get everyone on board!

Kids desire to be great. We all desire to excel at the things we do...however, we must teach them they have to work for it. It does not happen wihtout sacrifice. If I want to lead an obedient Christian life than I have to make sacrifices. I have to get up in the morning before I want to and get in the Word and spend time with the Lord in prayer. It is the same way to excel in sports and academics. I must get up and go to work daily! I must make sacrifices.

It is never to late to get back on track. In the same way it is never too late to start to pursue an obedient life with Jesus Christ, it is never too late to start to give perfect effort as an athlete and a student.